What are my options for booking flights?

  1. Book your own flight
    You can book your own flight using an airline of your choice and with your own airmiles. If you would like to be included in a group transfer, please check with the Customer Service Center or your trip leader.
  2. Join a group flight

A group flight is usually booked by your tour leader and have specific guidelines:

  • It requires a minimum of ten participants.
  • Non-upgradable through points or a supplement payment.
  • Seating assignments cannot be guaranteed.
  • Confirmation numbers are not available. An E-ticket number will be provided a few weeks prior to departure.

    If you want to ensure assigned seating and an upgrade, you will need to purchase an independent ticket on the same flight as the group.


Whether you have a journey in mind, want to join a featured trip, or simply want to explore, drop us a note. We work really hard to be a loved travel company that delivers amazing and memorable experiences. So please do not be surprised when we say “yes” to every reasonable request you make!


    Just like you we're concerned for the future. And like you, J2 stands for equality, tolerance, pluralism, and true democracy.