How do I cancel or transfer my booking?

All cancelations need to be made in writing. The cancelation fee depends on the date when we receive written notification of your request to cancel your booking. Please note that the deposit is non-refundable.

 Cancelation fees:

  1. Cancelations made 90 or more days prior to departure incur the loss of the deposit.
  2. Cancelations made 89 to 46 days prior to departure incur the loss of 50% of the full trip cost.
  3. Cancelations made 45 days or less prior to the departure incur the loss of 100% of the full trip cost.

Cancelation fees may also include:

  • Hotel or supplier cancelation fees.

J2 Adventures reserves the right to adjust its terms of payment, including cancelation policies and initial deposits. Please refer to the small print tab on your trip’s webpage or in your proposal for your cancelation policy and fees.



Whether you have a journey in mind, want to join a featured trip, or simply want to explore, drop us a note. We work really hard to be a loved travel company that delivers amazing and memorable experiences. So please do not be surprised when we say “yes” to every reasonable request you make!


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